August 27, 2014

Dear Colleagues,

As the new academic year begins, all of us at CNDLS would like to offer you our best wishes for the upcoming semester. We very much look forward to working with you throughout the year. Below you will find information about many of the CNDLS services, activities, and funding opportunities available to you to help support and enrich your teaching and your students’ learning. Additional information about all of our work can be found on our website:

Please let us know if you have any questions or would like to discuss any aspect of your teaching, from designing your course to building innovative assignments with technology tools to evaluating the impact of your teaching on your students’ learning. We are here to help.

Warm Regards,
Eddie Maloney
Executive Director



At CNDLS, professional teaching staff is available to consult with you on matters of teaching practice and design, including designing your syllabus, using backward design to develop your course, communicating effectively in the classroom, creating assignments using online collaborative tools, or navigating difficult discussions in the classroom. Please send us an email if you’d like to make an appointment.

  • The Teaching Commons is an online resource guide for all things teaching and learning. It includes foundational readings, pedagogical and assessment resources, and faculty experiences organized by topic and concept to provide ideas for enhancing teaching practice. Visit and read our Handbook on the site.

  • Teaching and Learning Technologies: Tools and Services at Georgetown is a comprehensive listing of teaching, learning, and collaboration tools and services. These tools include blogs, wikis, ePortfolios and many others available for your use. Each tool and service includes suggested uses and information about how to get started. Visit our Tools page for more information.

  • Mid-Semester Group Feedback (MSGF) sessions give faculty the opportunity to solicit students’ opinions on a class while it is still in progress. As part of the MSGF, CNDLS staff members work closely with the instructor to formulate questions specific to their course, spend a class period facilitating discussion among students, and then discuss the results with the instructor. To learn more about the program and request an MSGF, visit this page.

  • Curriculum Enrichment Grants are available to all instructors and can provide funds of up to $500 for course-related events and activities that serve to connect students’ academic learning with experiences beyond the classroom. Learn more about the program and apply online.


CNDLS offers workshops throughout the year on a range of topics, from using Blackboard for online learning to giving feedback on student assignments. At the end of each academic year, we host our annual Teaching, Learning, & Innovation Summer Institute (TLISI), an intensive week of seminars and workshops on the best and most innovative teaching tools and practices. Check our calendar for upcoming workshops.


Through our programs and initiatives, CNDLS offers faculty and graduate students the opportunity to develop their reflective teaching practice and build innovative curricula while engaging with colleagues.

  • The Initiative on Technology-Enhanced Learning (ITEL) was launched in Spring 2013 as a showcase for innovative online and on-campus teaching practices and as an incubator for course-level experiments in teaching with technology. View all the current ITEL projects as well as information about new rounds of funding on the ITEL page.

  • Doyle Faculty Fellowships, part of the Doyle Engaging Difference Program, offer faculty opportunities to engage with colleagues from across the university to explore ways of enhancing or incorporating themes of difference and diversity in courses. For more information about the Doyle Program, please visit the program site.

  • In the Engelhard Project for Connecting Life and Learning, Georgetown faculty integrate health and wellness topics into academic course content through readings, presentations, discussions led by campus health professionals, and reflective writing assignments. The Engelhard Project’s focus on teaching to the whole student supports student knowledge gain and encourages students to reflect on their own attitudes and behaviors. Learn more about the project by visiting the Engelhard page.

  • The Apprenticeship in Teaching (AT) program is designed to enhance the preparation of graduate students as teachers. Graduate students are offered the chance to participate in workshops and engage in authentic, teaching-related, typical faculty tasks with mentorship from current faculty and CNDLS professional teaching staff. To learn about program workshops and opportunities, please visit the program page.