TLISI 2015: Teaching, Learning and Innovation Summer Institute

TLISI 2015: May 18–21, 2015

Call for Proposals

This year’s Teaching, Learning, and Innovation Summer Institute (TLISI) will include a three-day design lab in which participant teams can explore a teaching, learning, assessment, or curricular problem they have proposed. Selected teams will form in PODS (Productive Open Design Spaces) within the larger design lab, and will engage in a design-centered approach to thinking through their project. Participants will receive extensive support, time, and guidance from a design facilitator and coach.

We are inviting all interested faculty to submit a short proposal of a teaching, learning, or curricular problem that you would like to address as part of the TLISI Design Lab. Proposals will be accepted through April 20, 2015.

To Participate: The PODS space is available and open to teams of 3-5 faculty. Please note: individuals without a group who are interested in exploring a project or problem may still submit a proposal and we will do our best to place you in appropriate PODS. We cannot guarantee placement.

Proposal Submission: Please submit a short proposal (300 words max) to Maggie Debelius, by April 20, 2015. Proposals should include the following:

  • A description of the proposed curricular or pedagogical project or problem to be explored
  • A statement of what is hoped to be accomplished by participating in the PODS space
  • A list of the members of the project, with titles and departmental affiliations

At the conclusion of TLISI, there may be a potential for funding to support continued work.

We look forward to receiving your proposals!


CNDLS: Center for New Designs in Learning and Scholarship