This is a reminder that proposals for the next round of ITEL funding are due on April 11th. If you have an idea for an innovative use of technology in one of your courses or would just like to in experiment in using technology in your teaching, please consider applying.
Over fifty innovative faculty projects funded through ITEL are currently underway, exploring new approaches to interactive learning and contributing important insights to our understanding of the interplay among teaching, learning, and technology.
We invite you to propose an Open Track project ( that challenges the boundaries of traditional instructional models, or apply to join a cohort ( that will explore a specific topic in technology-enhanced learning through micro-experiments in course design. This year, our cohorts are exploring tablet technology, games and simulations, writing and disciplinary thinking, and open educational resources.
Open Track applicants may propose a budget up to $25,000, or up to $50,000 for projects with four or more faculty participants.
Each awarded cohort membership will be accompanied by a $2,500 stipend and intensive faculty development and course design assistance at the Teaching, Learning & Innovation Summer Institute (TLISI), May 19-22, 2014.
All full-time faculty (tenure and non-tenure-line) are eligible.
Please apply at or email with questions.
Georgetown University
3520 Prospect St. NW #314
Washington, DC 20057