Doyle Symposium 2015

“It is Not Enough to Refrain from Injustice”

Riggs Library | Friday, April 10, 10:00-11:30 AM

To be followed by lunch and discussion through 1:00 PM

Join us for this year’s Doyle Engaging Difference Symposium, featuring a conversation with student winners, faculty, and staff responding to President DeGioia’s recent message on "Citizenship and a Just Society.” The winners will present their ideas and engage participants in discussion and dialogue on how to further create a campus whose culture and practices reflect our values. Please come and add your voice to this important conversation about engaging diversity and difference on our campus, in our lives, and around the world.

Breakfast refreshments and lunch will be served.

Please RSVP for this event.

The Doyle Engaging Difference Program serves the entire Georgetown University community and is a campus-wide collaboration between the Berkley Center for Religion, Peace, and World Affairs and the Center for New Designs in Learning and Scholarship (CNDLS) designed to deepen the university's own commitment to tolerance and diversity and enhance global awareness of the challenges and opportunities of an era of increasing interconnectedness. The Doyle Program is made possible by a generous gift from alumnus and Board of Directors member William J. Doyle (C'72).

Berkley Center for Religion, Peace and World Affairs CNDLS: Center for New Designs in Learning and Scholarship